KALI BICHROMICUM - Portal de Homeopatia
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Há poucos sintomas mentais em Kali-bi e isto se deve ao fato que o remédio foi experimentado somente em sua forma bruta. Ele necessita ser experimentado em potências para salientar os sintomas mentais (em KENT – M. M.)
É raro que um paciente Kali bichromicum se queixe de problemas mentais ou emocionais, em vez disso eles focalizam sem sua patologia física. (MORRISON – DESKTOP)
Obs: Na minha prática clínica pude constatar que Kali-bi, apesar de muito simpático, sorridente, não se sente à vontade quando fala dos seus sofrimentos.
Acho que esta pode ser uma explicação também para outros medicamentos que apresentam patogenesias pobres, pois o experimentador se fecha, sofrendo calado, não querendo se expor, como nos casos de Cycl, Staph, Nat-m, Thuj, , Hell, Lyc, Petr, Stann, Ip, Iber, Ign, Indg, Mur-ac, Symph, Hep, Aur-ar, Mag-p, etc.
Por isto, se torna difícil fazer uma anamnese de pacientes que precisam desses medicamentos, já que se fecham em seu mundo interior.
KALI-BI é um pai ou mãe que sente uma grande necessidade de acompanhar muito de perto a educação dos filhos, estando sempre ali presente para ensinar tudo que ele sabe, ajudando a resolver os problemas dos filhos, familiares, amigos, etc.
Kali-bi gosta do seu trabalho, é um pouco exigente, mas também muito alegre, brincalhão, comunicativo, mas muito família. Lembra a imagem de um velho índio encarregado de ensinar para os jovens da tribo suas tradições acompanhando os jovens de perto.
A mãe Kali-bi quer assistir o filho dar o primeiro passo, falar a primeira palavra, saber como foi a primeira transa no motel, e por isto muitas vezes abandona seu emprego por um longo período para acompanhar cada passo na educação alimentar dos filhos com a trofologia.
- Very good-humored, and constantly inclined to laugh(first day), [a34].
- General exhaustion and indolence; afterwards, as I began to work, this indolence disappeared, and I was able to work easily, in the afternoon (ninety-ninth day), [a35].
- Great prostration with great excitement, so that I was prevented from falling asleep for an hour; it was a sensation as though I were about to be seriously ill (first day), [a31a].
- Vertigo, so violent from time to time that I suddenly reeled (cambaleava) and feared that I should fall, for several days, [a27].
- Unusual weariness while walking in the open air; the limbs feel as heavy as lead, with prostration, indifference, fretful mood, aversion to the usual business, and desire for rest. I experience exhausting warmth, as after great physical exertion; the shortest walk. overcomes (sujeitava) me, and I always seek a seat, very exhausted, indifferent, and taciturn, am not able to collect my thoughts, distracted, and as far able I cut short conversation to avoid showing the fact; I seek to be alone and feel better in the open air, [a33].
- Very sick and weak the whole day, so that she feared that she would be really sick, with pale, sickly (doentia) expression; though she had but one diarrhea-like stool (second day), [a80].
- Great weakness, so that he was obliged to give up (desistir) work, [a22].
- Indescribable sensation of general discomfort (thirty-first day), [a26].
- Discouragement, amounting (chegando) to ennui (fourth day), [a26].
- Ill-humor; disinclination for the usual business (fourth day), [a26]. - Unable to attend to his usual business; he was obliged to rest, and after sleeping and hour felt relieved, though the ill-humor and intolerable feeling of distress and sickness remained (twenty-third day), [a26].
- (She found herself talking nonsense to herself, constantly repeating "Tulips and rhododendrons"; felt as if she was losing her reason, but was conscious of all that was going on all the time, lasting about an hour), (after one hour), [a39].
- Desire to rest and sleep; lying down for an hour put an end to the suffering (eighth day), [a26].
- Frequent startings, tossing about of the arms, incoherent talkings (SPEECH NONSENSICAL), and finally snoring, on falling asleep at night (after fourth dose), [_a2].
- Vivid dreams at night, particularly towards morning (of various dangers and misfortunes), [a25]. - Disagreeable dreams (thirteenth day), [a8]. - Frightful dreams (eleventh and twelfth days), [a8]. - Very disagreeable sensation at 4 A. M.; it is best described as nightmare; I dreamed that someone was lying across my chest and abdomen, which arrested the breathing, so that I was in danger of suffocation; I groaned aloud, and after waking was covered with sweat; my blood was in a tumult; after rising I felt very weak (eighty-ninth day), [a35].
Low spirits (during dyspeptic attacks), [a22].Great melancholy in the evening (without physical cause), [a25].Anxiety, rising from the chest (third day), [a29b].
Anthropophobia (fourth day), [a26].Ill-humor (eighth day), [a26].Great ill-humor and irritability (twenty-third day), [a26].Irritable humor (after first dose), [_a2];(first day), [a26];(fifth day), [_a2].Excessive irritability and ill-humor (sixth day), [a26].Irritable, peevish mood, [a26].Peevish mood, [a26].Complete indifference, with distress in the stomach (twenty-sixth day), [a23].Disinclination for mental work (ninth day), [a26].Total aversion to all mental work after dinner (without physical indolence), [a25].Very uneasy (preocupado, não a vontade) rolling over (movimento de um lado para outro), tumbling (caindo) about, and extremely nervous, for an hour (after one hour), [a50].
Night restless, interrupted by dreams, unrefreshing (twenty-seventh night), [a22].
Suddenly awakened by fright from a quiet sleep of three hours, and only gradually fell again into a doze (cochilo) (first night), [a34].
Awoke early, and then fell into a confused, heavy half sleep; in the morning unrefreshed and weary, [_a1].
Wakes very early in the morning, and after falling asleep again very restless sleep with tossing about (eighth and ninth days), [a28].
Frequent groaning and much tossing about in bed (twentieth night), [a35].
Confusion of the head about 6 P.M. , suddenly, with nausea, anxiety, and dullness of mind; on account of this confusion of the head and anxiety the night was almost sleepless (first day), [a29b].}
Vertigo, while sitting writing, so that the pen trembled in the hand (followed by violent vomiting), (immediately after 80 drops), [a31b].
* Pain in the head, at a point, [a8].
Great prostration after the slightest motion, [a25].
There is dyspnoea, great anxiety,
Wandering pains in various parts, especially in the joints of the upper and lower extremities; a drawing-tearing pain, which lasts for a short time in one place, and suddenly jumps to another, and disappears on moving the affected part(fourth day), [a26].
Pressive pain in the left frontal sinus, nearly the whole forenoon, like that which accompanies or forebodes catarrh, [a32]. A1
Lancinating pains in the right side of the head in several attacks, which last only a short time (seventeenth day), [a35]. A1
See the point of pen double, one point by the side of the other, [a38]. A1
Great flickering before the eyes, at noon; vision of spots, sparks and colors, so that I was scarcely able to write; disappearing after half an hour, at noon (ninety-eighth day), [a35]. A1
Clinkers form in the course of a few days, and can then be easily detached; but if pulled away too soon, it causes soreness at the root of the nose, and intolerance of light, [a22]. A1
Sneezing, [a22];on lying down in bed (fifth day), [a22]. A1
Sneezing, with lacrimation of right eye, [a22]. A1
Watery discharge from nose, with soreness, much sneezing, snuffling in speaking, [a22]. A1
* Nose constantly full of thick mucus (fourteenth day), [a23]. A1
Bleeding of the nose after getting up in the morning, when washing himself, [a22]. A1
Epistaxis, which continues (almost immediately), [a22]. A1
Obstruction of the nose, in the morning on waking, [a22]. A1
* Burrowing and beating inside the root of the nose (in the ethmoid bone?), therewith in the corresponding portion of the nose there were externally felt heat and distinct throbbing rhythmical with the pulse; the nose became swollen at the root and hot without being red; the nose itself seemed thick and full, and she spoke "through it"; was frequently inclined to blow the nose on account of a sensation as of a thick substance in it, but nothing was expelled; the nose remained dry; it felt as heavy as if a weight were hanging from it (first day), [a29b]. a1
* On blowing nose, violent sticking in right side of nose, as though two loose bones rubbed against each other; this pain in nose on blowing continued (thirty-ninth day), with frequent violent sticking pains; a1
Gastralgia, increasing till towards evening, with an anxious feeling in the pit of the stomach, and perspiration on the upper lip; this pain is confined to a small spot of the size of the finger-tip, and seated about a hand's breadth above the navel (twenty-fourth day), [a31a]. a1
Uneasiness at stomach, which continued all day, and was situated about the great curvature of the stomach, a1
Feeling as though the right arm had fallen asleep or were paralyzed, disturbing sleep (ninth day), [a26]. A1
In the first place there is the very strong focus on family life. They live for their family, they have to have the perfect little family. Although this aspect is common to all Kali's, it is much stronger in Kali-bi. Another side of this remedy is the slimy part, literally as well as figuratively. A 'slimy' (pegajoso) person is one who always wants to present his good side, who continually wants to please others
One might mocking-ly call them typical bourgeois people, with their nice house, shiny car and children doing very nicely at university.
Slimy, tough, sticky
This aspect has also been nicely described by Vithoulkas: the mucus in the nose and sinuses is tough and stringy, their character is also tough and stringy: they stick to you with their endless explanations. The stringiness is a great keynote of Kali-bi.
Conservative, wants to be with his family, materialistic.
I would leave everything in disorder at my place in order to help other people.
I can also weep for strangers when something is wrong
I rather prefer company, I rather like to be in a group.I like to have people around me, I'm not so closed.Every second Thursday we come together.
Kali bichromicum is the father or the mother who wants to take care.They are happy when the children or the grandchildren come, when they can do something for them.
Kali Bichromicum is always thought of first in connection with the thick, gluey discharges, especially from the nose. However, the personality of the typical Kali Bichromicum patient is also "gluey" (PEGAJOSO). The patient is rather a conformist and tends to rigidly adhere to routine (as mucous adheres to the membrane).
Often the patient gives a five paragraph answer when a simple sentence would suffice; he seems to cling (apegar-se) to your attention. It is unusual for a Kali Bichromicum patient to complain of mental or emotional problems, instead he focuses on his physical pathology. However when the patient feels his material needs are not being met, he may become irritable or gloomy.
Most prominently the mucous membranes are affected, especially in the respiratory tract. Furthermore secretion formation is almost always a problem, with excessive, thick discharges. Arthritic disorders, and alternating physical pathologies are also quite characteristic.
Alternation of complaints from one spot or organ system to another.
Pains felt in one small spot.
General aggravation from cold dampness (except the rheumatism which may be worse from the warm weather).
Periodicity; complaints at the same hour daily.
General aggravation from beer.
General aggravation at 1 AM.
The main feeling is of being hurt/injured by their family. I have not seen this stage but would expect them to be strong people who can bear all the family problems - especially those caused by their own family. The main impression I get from these patients is that they are extremely reserved, taciturn, keeping all their feelings to themselves.
They avoid society and are hard, unexpressive. On probing with leading questions, one gets the idea that they have been hurt quite badly by someone in their family and bear it within, not showing any reaction. Inside, they feel very sad after the annoyance (aborrecimento), which is a strange reaction since the annoyance is usually of the sort that should cause anger.
It seems that due to the metallic quality of chromium, they have the ability to bear the hurt caused by their family or loved ones. I have also seen the opposite in some Kali-bi patients.
They can be extremely timid, with great fear of being hurt, tremendous anxiety and lack of confidence. Tremendous fear in a crowd. Bashful. They are discouraged, do not recognise their relatives, averse to business.
They enjoy their home, their family, their car etc. The Kai bich. the patient wants to spend time only with his family.
Feeling as though the bones of the skull would separate; as though the brain were too large for the skull and the bones were forced asunder a1
Affections of the mucous membranes _ eyes, nose, mouth, throat, bronchi; gastro-intestinal and genitourinary tracts _ discharge of a tough, stringy mucus which adheres to the parts.
Patients tend to be fat, sluggish (preguiçoso), restless, depressed and taciturn. You will usually get a history that these patients have been subject to chronic catarrh all their lives, and they mostly suffer from a degree of chronic nasal, or postnasal, catarrh - very often with a perpetually choked sensation about the root of the nose.
LILIENTHAL – HOMEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS Asthma dependent upon bronchiectasis, the bronchial tubes being filled up with tough, tenacious exudation. Asthma aggr. 3-4 A. M., liable to return in winter or in summer time when chilly; he is compelled to sit up in order to breathe, amel. from sitting up and bending forward and from expectoration of stringy mucus; great weakness, so that he is obliged to give up work.
Injuries to coccyx remain sore for months after a fall or after child birth injuring coccyx (Hyper.)
The mental state of typical Kali bic. influenza patients are one of mild discouragement. They have difficulty in thinking, any attempt at mental effort is almost impossible, and they are rather discouraged and hopeless. They feel very weak, tired and weary and like to be left in peace.
* Common traits of all Kali's: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth. "Lots of emphasis on morality and what is right, what is wrong. Black and white issues. Each of them has a slightly different flavor."
"Something gluey about them; carries the properness of the Kali's a little bit further; goes into DETAILS; the perfect bureaucrats" [Morrison].
Everything on a REGULAR basis [dinner, sex, going out, fishing, procedures, tempo, life]. KEEP REGULAR HOURS. Conformist. Living according to a routine.
Go by the book. RULES. Narrow-minded.
Aversion to troubles. Sucking up. Self-occupied; "mostly interested in their own little existence" [Morrison].
|2|Indifferent. Indolent; aversion to mental and physical labor. Anthropophobia; avoids human society. |5|Dull, even stupid. |8|Sadness after annoyance. Anxiety before menses. Incapacity for business. Fear of death before menses. Impatience. Indifference to business affairs. Irritability, > after eating. Weakness of memory, for dates. Doesn't recognise his relatives. Sadness > after eating. Talks to himself.
Among these keynotes of Kali bi. four may be named as pre-eminent :
- (1) Discharges from mucous membranes of tough, stringy mucus, or muco-pus, which adheres to the part and can be drawn out in strings.
- - (2) The occurrence of pain in small spots. - In connection with this is another feature showing a sharply defined action :
- - (3) Punched-out, perforating ulcers, occurring on skin, mucous membranes, and affecting bones (e.g. vomer, palate).
- - (4) Alternating and shifting conditions : pains wander from part to part; rheumatic pains alternate with gastric symptoms, or with dysentery; headache alternates with blindness; fibrinous deposits extend downwards.
- - Among other leading characters, scarcely less distinctive are :
- - (a) The formation of plugs or clinkers on mucous membranes, especially in the nose.
- - (This may be regarded as an advanced stage of the stringy mucous secretions).
- - (b) Still another variety of this is the formation of false membranes as in croup and diphtheria, with hoarse, metallic cough; and the formation of casts of the bronchial tubes in fibrinous bronchitis.
- - (c) Yet another characteristic mucous discharge is one of "jelly-like mucus."
- (d) Indigestion from drinking beer; loss of appetite; weight in pit of stomach immediately after eating; flatulence. (e) Among peculiar sensations the "hair sensation" is marked in Kali bi.
Indications - It is a SPECIFIC remedy in the following conditions: - 1. Catarrhal disorders: with thick, viscid, ropy mucus discharge which adheres to the parts and can be drawn into long strings. - Concomitant with any other disease. - 2. Rheumatism alternating with gastric symptoms; with dysentery. - 3. Pains: in small spots, can be covered with the point of finger. - 4. Pains: shift rapidly from one part to another; appear and disappear suddenly; appear every day at the same hour. - 5. Ulcers: of stomach or cancer stomach; better eating; ropy saliva; syphilitic chancre; ulcer of the palate; of nasal septum. - 6. Chronic suppurative otitis media with perforated tympanum; with ropy stringy discharge. - 7. Diphtheria: with characteristic discharge from the throat; prone to extend downwards to larynx. - 8. Headache: blurred vision or blindness precedes the attack; must lie down; aversion to light and noise, sight returns as headache increases. - 9. Allergy to bear: produce diarrhea, or vomiting. - 10. Sexual desire absent in fleshy people.
11. Flatulence worse soon after eating. - 12. Epilepsy with ropy, stringy saliva.Comparison - Pain at a spot : Ign, Kali bi, Lit t. - Pains shift rapidly from one part to another : Kali bi, Kali s, Lac c, Puls, Apis, Mang, Ign. - Pains appear and disappear rapidly : Bell, Ign, Kali bi, Mag phos. - Ulceration of septum of nose : Alum, Kali bi, Sep, Teucer. - Headache: blindness precedes the attack : Gels, Kali bi, Lac d. - Sight returns as headache increases : Iris, Kali bi, Nat m, Lac d. - Discharges from the nose and all mucous membranes are very tough, stringy, and tenacious : Bov, Kali bi, Myrica, Canth, Hyd. - Coldness of single parts : Calc c, Kali bi. - Pains extend from throat to ears : Hep, Kali bi, Lac c,
- Tongue: thick yellow coating at the base : M.I. F, Kali bi. - Distress in stomach while eating or just after eating : Kali bi, Nux m. - Uvula large, dropsical almost translucent : Kali bi, Apis, Phyt, Rhus t.
is the chief trend on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory passages. The tenacious stringy mucous is especially characteristic.
The exudates at times seem to be pseudo - membranous and even purulent - blood discharges are observed. At first the nose is the chief point of attack.
Even Areth correctly stressed that one cannot arrive at an explanation of this affinity with the conception of a local action of chrome dust or vapory on the nasal mucous membrane, because the inflammatory manifestations also develop after the internal administration of the substances. the first stasis a coryza with considerable clear water and much sneezing, a coryza which is said to be aggravated from cold air.
Also when ulcer formation occurs the nasal mucous membrane is persistently involved. This is signified by the loss of smell which seems to outlast the usual coryza, but the soreness of the nose is associated with an offensive odor of which the patient himself is aware.
This degenerative mucous membrane symptom is the occasion for the use of kali bichromicum in rhinitis atrophicans, the ozena of syphilitic as well as scrofulous origin.
The coryza with a thick tenacious secretion (which is like that of hydrastis) can also cause symptoms of nasal occlusion, especially painful pressure of the root of the nose which can also be conditioned by involvement of the frontal sinus.
Moreover the thick secretion, like that of hydrastis, may fall into the posterior pharynx. An occluding coryza in fat plump nursing is said to be especially suitable for the remedy.
Many sensations of pain in and around the nose in the proving protocols refer to this site as one of predilection. Very similar are the inflammatory manifestations in the throat, which, with redness of the throat and soft palate, with difficulty in swallowing and edema of the uvula may go on to the already mentioned ulcers. For the chronic catarrh, pharyngitis, the tenacious stringy mucus is characteristic.
Indeed as the initial symptom of the chronic mucous membrane affection besides the often mentioned sensation of dryness, scratching and sticking of the provings, there is the ever repeated symptom " feeling of a hair at the root of the tongue and the soft palate.
" It is, so far as I know, described by only one prover (Norton) as the early warning of an ulcer in the throat. In spite of the solitary nature of his report I do not see little value in such a detail but decisive in this respect is the question of whether or not it has proven a practical indication for kali bichromicum. And this seems to be the case.
Hoarseness, tickling and painfulness in the larynx and the trachea, especially in the region of the bifurcation, stitches under the sternum going to the back, irritative cough and oppression of the chest, labored breathing and chest pains are frequently observed, but particularly characteristic for the laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis is the repeatedly mentioned tenacious expectoration and moreover the morning aggravation of the cough.
The pseudo - membranous deposits on the mucous membranes of the throat, the larynx and the trachea which has also been found in animals had led to the proven use of kali bichromicum in severe diphtheria. Here also the structural participation of the mucous membrane is essential.
In close connection with the inflammatory manifestations in the upper air passages stands the ocular inflammations of kali bichromicum. Here also itching, burning, redness, swelling, lachrymation photophobia is the usual but not characteristic picture. The tenacious, yellow secretion or the pseudo - membranous deposit speaks first for a conjunctivitis in the direction of kali bichromicum.
But also a torpid keratitis with ulcer of the cornea without great pain and photophobia (indeed on the basis of the industrial poisonings) is found in the drug picture of kali bichromicum, more over iritis with punctiform deposits in Descemet's membrane, here also the relatively slight pain with severe inflammation s guiding. However it is not apparent on what clinical observation these indications are supported.
Then also an alternation between the gastric complaints and the wandering pains in the extremities is described as a sign of kali bichromicum on the basis of the provings.
Extraordinarily numerous in the provings are headaches and sensation of vertigo. In order to evaluate these reports, one must differentiate.
The vertigo and many pains are associated with gastric symptoms, nausea and vomiting. Often the pains are associated with catarrhal processes in the upper respiratory passages. They were usually localized in the forehead and about the region of the nose.
From all these headaches which cannot be more closely defined than secondary are separated several others resembling migraine or neuralgia and these pains again are limited to small areas, over one eye, unilateral pains about the orbit or in the frontal region which proceeds darkening of vision, cloudy vision, and vertigo.
Here movement seems always to aggravate but the reaction to cold is not constant (once it states better in the open air, the other time worse from cold air), the time of aggravation is often in the morning but also an increase up to noon and decrease toward evening is reported. Since these modalities are not precise, the suitability of the remedy for the symptom concerned is less certain.
Unilateral headaches with preceding visual disturbance are found in many drugs and differential signs are necessary.
These must be introduced from other fields if one is to attack migraine with kali bichromicum.
Kali bichromicum is most frequently employed in the headache associated with disorders of the frontal sinuses.
Pains migrate quickly, rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternate. More adapted to sub-acute rather than the violent acute stage. Pains occur in small spots or migrate quickly from place to place and finally attack the stomach. Rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternate. Diagonal pains. Ascending symptoms, gastric pains, chills, heat etc. Pains appear and disappear suddenly. Cracking of joints.
there is "great liability to take cold in open air," and " moderately cold air is felt very unpleasantly." Eruptions begin in warm weather (opp. Rhus-t.).
Modalities - Better from heat, wrapping up. Better motion, pressure. Open air ameliorates, especially vertigo, but aggravates the gastric complaints and chilliness. Worse from cold, damp, open air, spring. Worse from undressing.
Worse morning, 2-3 a.m. after sleep. Worse from protruding tongue. Worse from hot weather. Worse from alcohol, beer, suppressed catarrh. Worse from stooping, sitting. Worse by eating, eating causes cough, causes weight in the stomach.
MIND - Mentally ill-humored and low in spirit,. listless, aversion to mental and physical exertion, weak memory, vanishing of thoughts. Anxiety arising from the chest. Indifferent. Indolent, aversion to mental and bodily labor. Fear of people, avoids human society.
Nose - Sinusitis with distress and fullness at the root of the nose. Loss of smell. Nasal discharges, thick, ropy, sticky, greenish, yellow, acrid. Tough, elastic plugs, leave a raw surface. Large clinkers. Inability to breathe through nose.
Post-nasal dripping of thick mucus. (Hydr.) Much hawking. Pains at bridge or root. Suppressed catarrh. Coryza with an obstruction of nose. Snuffles, especially of fat chubby children. Expired air feels hot. Tickling as from a hair in left nostril.
Coryza with an obstruction of nose. Violent sneezing worse in the morning. Nasal septum ulcerates, round ulcer. Abscess. Ozaena. Fetid smell from retention of discharge in nose. Nasal diphtheria. Two loose bones as if rubbing together on blowing the nose. Nose, feels heavy, dry. Nasal polyps.
Chilly and worse from cold.
It can hardly be questioned that Chromium is the predominant partner in the action of this salt, but it would be wrong to consider the Kali element as of no account, and it would be still more wrong to disregard the very large proportion of oxygen.
- It is as an oxidizing agent and disinfectant that K. bi. is chiefly known in general medicine, and it is probably to the oxygen element that the ulcerating properties of the drug are largely due. - One of its effects is "odourless stools," and the oxygen element is probably accountable for this.
- The Kali parallels must be sought chiefly in Causticum and Kali carb.
A: You take care of the children? - P: Yes, exactly. - Terrible. - And for my sister. - I want to help everybody. - A: There is a very strong relationship in your family? - P: Yes, very strong, even at the cost of my health I would help my family.
- I would leave everything in disorder at my place in order to help other people. - A: The relationship with your sisters and your family is relatively strong? - P: Yes. - We are not together the whole time, but when one has pain, then we feel it as well. - Yes, then I'm in a terrible emotional state.
P: I can also weep for strangers when something is wrong. - A: So your opinion is rather traditional, related family ties and so on. - P: Yes, but concerning the children I have a very modern opinion. - A: What do you mean? - P: Yes, how shall I say? - For example, my second daughter lives together with a divorced man and she is doing well.
his woman has a relationship with another man and that was the problem, he gets angry when something goes wrong within the family.
P: I rather prefer company, I rather like to be in a group. - I like to have people around me, I'm not so closed.
- A: Social? - P: I can't myself cut off. - A: Also very familiar? - WP: The whole family, there is a good relationship in the whole family. - P: Yes, every second Thursday we comes together. - A: And also with your own family, the children? - P: Yes, also.
- Kali bichromicum is the father or the mother who wants to take care. - They are happy when the children or the grandchildren come, when they can do something for them.
S.O.T.R Sexo: masc Idade: 42 anos.
Tive um foco de garganta quando jovem e um problema nas pernas, pés dobravam para dentro ( isto é, pontas ). Angústia. Um dia não consegui dormir, PA alta. Colesterol e Triglicérides estavam altos.
Fiz dieta, perdi 8 kg e normalizei também PA 12:8. As coisas não correm tudo como você quer, um horário marcado. Aflição na cadeira do dentista, sufocando. Fobia de escuro.
Gosto de trabalhar, coisas certas. Conceito de honestidade muito forte, senso de responsabilidade muito grande (fastidious). Parte familiar muito forte. Vivo bem com mulher e filhos, os negócios vão bem.
A família é a coisa mais preciosa, a base de tudo. Com meus filhos sou muito exigente, também com a esposa e comigo também. Procuro ser bastante amigo.
Senso de responsabilidade intenso, quero cumprir tudo. Dou tudo para eles.
A tarefa mais difícil é a de educar os filhos, um empregado. Procurei ser um bom filho e tendo a cobrar.
INFÂNCIA: brigava na rua, desmaiava quando me cortava e via sangue, soltava pipa, pião, andar a cavalo, nadar, bola.
Com a perda do meu pai fiquei mais ligado ao meu avô, ele era terapeuta em homeopatia. Tive um baque quando meu avô morreu, pois eu o amava e ele que me medicava.
MUNDO: equilibrado, uns têm muito, outros nada, informações educação igual, ia facilitar muito o entendimento.
SENTIR: bem.
FUNÇÃO: o que eu faço, a minha vocação sempre foi para a fazenda, tanto animal como plantas medicinais. Me dá prazer administrar a fazenda: plantação, animais.
SAÍDA: péssimo, sair do objetivo.
PERDA: um ideal.
MOTIVO: só alguma coisa relacionada a constelação familiar.
Gosto de carne, doce, toicinho, feijão, angu, torresmo, frutas. Gosto de uma pimentinha, não tanto para picante. Gosto mais do trivial.
Mente meio confusa com estas perguntas. Sempre fui muito ponderado, equilibrado. Vim com a convicção que ia dar certo.
A gente faz tudo em função da família, para o filho dar continuidade. Sensação de alguma coisa me sufocando no rosto. Eu sempre fui muito equilibrado nas minhas colocações, posições. Insônia por aborrecimento, tensão.
KALI-I 200 C.
Melhorei muito para dormir, bem mais calmo. Deu uma ajustada. Melhorei da angústia. Melhorei muito da ansiedade.
Mais paciencioso, as coisas se acomodam. Ainda não fui ao dentista. Mais ponderado nas cobranças. Tive um sangramento ao defecar quando prende o intestino, sangue vivo junto com as fezes durante 3 dias ( já tinha tido antes ). Me tratei com a homeopatia avançada, antes me dava aflição, vontade de levantar e ir para um lugar livre.
KALI-I 200 C
No dia 1º de maio tive recaída, ansiedade, angústia, um pouco de taquicardia, pressão no peito, acordando às 3 hs e dificuldade de dormir. Um pouco de dor de cabeça ao acordar à noite. KALI-I 200 C
Melhor da dor de cabeça.
Estou me sentindo bem, da dor de cabeça. Quando meu PA sobe sinto aflições.
Mais ativo, estava com medo de ter medo ( ex: dentista ) já não estou com muito rigor com as coisas, já vou apagar a luz sem me aborrecer, porque menino não apagou.
Tem coisas que a gente não consegue ensinar. Não posso fazer com que o meu filho seja igual a mim. Melhorei para dormir.
Preocupado em dar continuidade a família, as tradições, a vida mesmo da gente.
Tinha dor de cabeça na viagem. Tenso dirigindo na estrada ( receio de acidente ).
Gosto do calor, não gosto de muito calor, sinto cansaço, gosto de me sentir mais à vontade.
Fiquei preocupado quando um homem, da fazenda foi picado por cobra, preocupado que ele ficasse aleijado. A minha primeira reação é acudir de pronto, depois é que penso na dimensão maior do problema. Aparecendo gases à noite.
Tenho que criar meu filho para o mundo, não posso estar sempre do lado dele, tem hora que a gente tem que soltar.
Mais relaxado.
Obs. : terminei aprendendo que kali-i é muito mais irritado com a família, com os filhos, chegando a brigar com eles, quer obediência irrestrita, ainda que seja capaz de fazer sacrifício pelos seus, de uma forma muito devotada.
Percebi que kali-i havia agido apenas como um similar, neste espaço tive outros casos de kali-bi e kali-i e pude ver que estava indo em direção errada, este paciente é exigente mas não chega a ser duro e inexorável como kali-i.
. No dia 3 de setembro acordei às 5,30 com taquicardia. Sonhei que estava dentro de uma caixa cheia de banha de porco e servia para uma pessoa e desde então estou bem.
Sempre fiz muita ginástica e nunca fiquei doente. Há 10 dias andando todos os dias de 5 às 6 hs da manhã.
INFÂNCIA: pipa, jogo de botão, pelada, pião, sempre gostei muito de animais, boi, cavalo. Pernas entortavam devido a foco na garganta. 1º abalo foi a perda do meu pai com 11 anos, substitui esta afeição pelo meu avô materno.
Gosto de não mentir, do respeito, pontualidade, fidelidade em tudo, sou muito afetivo, muito amigo. Não tive mais sangramento nas fezes.
Muita saudade das pessoas, das que morreram. Não gosto de ser repreendido, só acontece uma vez. Gosto do que é meu. Vergonha se não pago uma conta no dia. Me ofendo quando desconfiam de mim, quando duvidam da minha honestidade, respeito, fidelidade, carater.
As decepções amorosas serviram de lição para o meu amadurecimento. O corpo está bem. Passou o medo de escuro. Um pouco de taquicardia. Nunca mais tive dor de cabeça, não sinto mais cansaço de viagem.
Relaxei bem.
Melhorou muita coisa. Já fui ao dentista 2 vezes e não senti aflição. PA melhorou demais 13:9. Há 2 semanas tive um aborrecimento grande com empregado me deu angústia, aperto no peito, poderia estar bem pior, desobediência de empregado, está sob controle.
Dormindo bem. Em casa está tudo bem. Acabou a coisa do escuro. Intestino solta e inapetência por emoção, contrariedade, vi a noite uma propaganda no Facebook sobre um curso de aromaterapia, me deu interesse em aprender sobre esses óleos essenciais.
Um pouco tenso. Se tem um ponto errado temos que consertar e não agir com o coração. A gente dá chance para qualificar o funcionário e ele não reconhece. Ofereço o melhor para fixar o homem no campo. Se o telefone toca acho que é um problema.
Colesterol baixou para 180 PA 12:8. Tenho feito muita caminha. Ácido úrico 7. > escuro. Nem gripe. Sem problema com sangue e dentista. > tensão viajando. Teste de esforço melhorou demais > com telefone.
KALI-BI 200 C.
Estou muito bem. Melhorei muito. Dormindo bem. > da angústia, aflições, do medo do escuro. Não senti mais nada no dentista. Intestino funcionando bem. Colesterol baixou muito ( 180 ).> medo de acidente. Voltei ao meu normal, de dominar bem os meus problemas.
Tudo sob controle em relação a problemas com funcionários na fazenda. Há muito tempo nem gripo. Dormindo muito e sonhando pouco. Não tenho acordado à noite.
Quero fazer muito correto. Passei a aceitar as coisas como elas são e não 100% como a gente idealiza. Me chateava ver a luz acesa, hoje vou lá e desligo. Continuo com a convicção que a tarefa mais difícil é educar, porque tem que ter uma constância, perseverança muito grande.
Educar: procedimentos constantes, não sair da linha. No colégio interno tem horário para tudo, doutrina a gente, é preciso ter organização para cumprir a meta.
O grande problema do país é a educação, é administrar. Pensando em contratar técnico, valorizar a pessoa que estuda para resolver problemas na fazenda. Não gostava de multidão. Remédio me ajudou a protelar mandar funcionário ir embora.
Converso sozinho planejando minhas coisas. Ser leal é fundamental.
Lealdade, honestidade, companheirismo faz a gente sofrer quando não tem, também responsabilidade. O carpinteiro passa a profissão para o filho. Ver sangue num conhecido era emocional, por querer bem a pessoa. > demais em relação ao dentista. Só de pensar em ir eu me sentia mal, já fui 4 vezes sem sentir nada de anormal.
Estou bem. Um pouco tenso na hora de tomar decisão. Falta educação no povo. Tudo sob controle. Já tive 3 cálculos renais nos dois lados no passado( uratos ).
Tudo correndo bem. Gripei esta semana. Depois que levanto do vaso vontade de urinar de novo. Nunca fiz PSA. Troquei o pessoal da fazenda, vida nova, a gente tem que resolver os problemas. nunca mais tive sangramento com as fezes.
Ácido úrico 6,9 mg/dl.
Lip totais 693 ( 800 ).
Fosfolip 197 ( 250 ).
Triglic 132 ( 170 ).
Col. Tot 177 ( 200 ).
HDL Col 39 ( 30-85 ).
VLDL Col 26 ( 8- 50 ).
LDL Col 112 ( 130 ).
Sem preocupação, tudo correndo bem.
Problemas naturais de serviço solucionáveis. Agora quando sobe não sinto nada diferente. Tudo fluindo bem. Estou com uma turma boa na fazenda, nos preparando para plantar. Dormindo muito bem. Quando a PA subia me tirava o sono. Não sinto mais angústia.
Aspecto emocional melhorou muito. Lipidograma normal. Não tenho conseguido emagrecer.
Kali-bi 200 c
Tive um pouco de fobia, tive uma dor de dente muito grande, fiquei com dificuldade para dormir. Ontem no dentista senti um mal estar, não consigo por o pano de campo do dentista, tapa a respiração. Não é mais aquele medo, fico tenso na hora do tratamento do canal, foge ao controle da gente. O resto do mês passei bem. Melhorei dos gases. Perdi dois quilos.
Kali-bi 200 c
Estou relaxado.